
An applicant applies to one or more programs through designations. Programs render a decision for the designation.


Name Type Description Example
designation:decision nullable object null
designation:decision:id integer Unique identifier of this decision. 42
designation:decision:name string Human-readable name for this decision. "Offer Accepted"
designation:decisions_href string Hypertext reference for valid decisions.
pattern: /api/v1/user_identities/\d+/decisions
designation:href string Hypertext reference to this resource.
pattern: /api/v1/user_identities/\d+/programs/\d+/applicants_by_cas_id/\d+/designation
designation:local_status nullable object For programs using WebAdMIT to manage their admissions process, a local status is a way for those programs to enter their workflow into WebAdMIT. Typically, these programs will tie a decision to a local status. Decisions are used for reporting at a national level (or school-wide level for UniCAS), but local statuses are for an individual program's process. null
designation:local_status:id integer Unique identifier of this local status. 123456
designation:local_status:title string Human-readable title for this local status. "Deposit Made"

Designation Show

Display the designation for the applicant with the given applicant CAS ID and program ID.

GET /api/v1/user_identities/:user_identity_id/programs/:program_id/applicants_by_cas_id/:applicant_cas_id/designation

Curl Example

$ curl -n \
  -H "x-api-key: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "designation": {
    "href": "/api/v1/user_identities/1/programs/42023191739237/applicants_by_cas_id/3/designation",
    "decisions_href": "/api/v1/user_identities/1/decisions",
    "decision": {
      "id": 42,
      "name": "Offer Accepted"
    "local_status": {
      "id": 123456,
      "title": "Deposit Made"

Designation Update

Update the designation with the given applicant CASID and program ID. WARNING: You'll get this error when you're trying to set a decision_id to a designation that already has a local status assigned. If you want to be able to force the decision_id please contact Liaison to turn on the "Disassociate Decision Codes from Local Status" feature which will allow you to set the decision even if the local_status is present.

PATCH /api/v1/user_identities/:user_identity_id/programs/:program_id/applicants_by_cas_id/:applicant_cas_id/designation

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description Example
designation:decision_id nullable integer The unique identifier for the decision to set. If the designation is in received status and the preliminary_data_handling feature is on, the code will prevent changes to the decision code. 43

Curl Example

$ curl -n -X PATCH \
  -d '{
  "designation": {
    "decision_id": 43
}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-api-key: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "href": "/api/v1/user_identities/1/programs/42023191739237/applicants_by_cas_id/4/designation",
  "decisions_href": "/api/v1/user_identities/1/decisions",
  "decision": {
    "id": 43,
    "name": "Matriculated"
  "local_status": null


Response Example

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
  "errors": {
    "schema": [
      "The property '#/designation/decision_id' of type String did not match the following type: integer"

The request body did not match the expected request schema. Please check your parameters and try again.

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
  "errors": {
    "decision_id": [
      "Can't set the decision_id when the local_status is not null"

You'll get this error when you're trying to set a decision_id to a designation which already has a local status assigned. If you want to be able to force the decision_id please contact Liaison to turn on the "Disassociate Decision Codes from Local Status" feature which will allow you to set the decision even if the local_status is present.

Received application status

When an applicants in a "Received" application status and the feature preliminary_data_handling is enabled

  "errors": {
    "schema": [
      "Cannot update a decision code for an applicant with that application status."

Designation related (Not found messages)

When the applicant is not found

  "errors": {
    "schema": [
      "Applicant '9999999' not found."

When the decision is not found

  "errors": {
    "schema": [
      "Decision '99' not found."

Not Found

Specific error messages

When the user_identity is not found

  "message": "User identity '999' not found."

When the program is not found

  "message": "Program '99999999999' not found."

When the applicant is not found

  "message": "Applicant '99999999999' not found."

When the custom field is not found

  "message": "CustomeField '99999999999' not found."

While these error messages are most often associated with resources that don't exist when making a GET request, please note that the same messages are also the response during POST, PUT, and PATCH requests if any resources specified by parameters cannot be found.

Generic error message (legacy error)

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "message": "Not Found"


Response Example

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

(Empty response body.)